Thursday, May 15, 2008

About my experience with Onion Bag

My business with Onion Bag started 3 months ago. I wanted to buy a Jersey for my husband’s b-day. Since he is fan of one of the soccer teams in Mexico, America, I wanted the jersey designed by the goalkeeper. I looked through the internet and I found OnionBag’s website. They only had available a red Jersey, but the one I actually wanted, “Caballero Aguila” wasn’t available until April 15th, but they were taking pre-orders. Since I needed the Jersey by March I decided to order the red one, and I planned to buy the Caballero Aguila later on. So here’s how it went on:

Red Jersey:
Feb 25th: Placed my order
Mar 3rd: I got an email saying they sent the package
Mar 6th: I got it at home

I was a little bit confused because it took them a little while to send me the Jersey. When I got the email I got a tracking number that never could track, but I finally got it and I was happy.

Jersey Caballero Aguila:

Apr 7th: I Pre-ordered the Jersey Caballero Aguila
Apr 15th: was the due date to ship the Jersey, but I didn’t hear from them.
Apr 16th: I emailed the customer service people, but I never got a reply.
Apr 17th, 18th y 19th: I kept calling the customer service phone number, but I only got to talk to the answering machine. I left a message with my name, phone number and order ID, but I never got a call back.
Apr 21st: I emailed Gabriel Rivero, one of the bosses and he never replied.
Apr 21st to 25th: I kept calling the customer service and the bosses’ office, but I didn’t get to talk to people; during this week, they put up a note on their website saying they would ship the jerseys around the 25th.
Apr 25th: I emailed the other Boss, Iain McNee. I forwarded him all the previous emails and I told him what was happening. I didn’t get an answer.
Apr 26th: I called from my husband’s phone and I FINALLY got to talk to a person. It was a lady who said my package would be sent next Monday (Apr 28th). She said they had border troubles but those were solved and they already had the t-shirts.
Apr 28th: I didn’t hear from them saying my order was shipped.
Apr 28th to May 1st: I called them daily, but didn’t get to talk to anyone.
May 2nd: I got to talk to PEOPLE again!! I talked to a lady, I think the same one, and she told me that they didn’t send the order because they were having troubles with XXL size, but I ordered a size L. Then she said they would send it to me next Monday. I told her that someone told me that already. She said that the USPS guy was gone already, but she would do a UPS shipment for me. I waited on the phone and then she gave a tracking number and sent me an email.
May 2nd later at night: I checked the tracking number on the UPS website; they had the billing info, but not the package.
May 5th: UPS said that OnionBag rescheduled the pickup date.
May 6th: UPS picked up the package at 4:39 P.M.
May 13th: I finally got the package, almost a month later.

As you can guess I am very disappointed with the service Onion Bag offered me, and I won’t buy anything from them again, and I’m really sorry about that, my husband is a soccer player/fan and they could have been very useful. I totally understand that there could be problems that they couldn’t solve, but what pisses me off is that they didn’t explain me what was happening. I had hoped that emailing the bosses would’ve solved the problem, but they never replied, that is not the way you should do business. It could’ve been so easy to send an email explaining what the problem was and keeping us updated on the progress, but if you don’t hear from them, you just get mad.

UPDATE: dAfter writing a comment on OnionBag's blog I could get Iain's attention, one of the Bosses, he replied to my comment and asked me to email him with my problem. I emailed him on May 14th and I got a reply on May 18th. Iain basically said it was too much for them. Nike canceled the Jersey's release, so they had to order it from Mexico, but instead of explaining it to their customers, they just decided not to answer the 40-50 calls they were getting daily in regard the Jersey. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like sending an email to everyone who pre-ordered it would have been easier for everyone.


Bernie said...

I am having a similar problem. Their jerseys are great but they are the worst communicators. Its as if they don't check their emails or don't care. Very poor service in this regard. I have been waiting 2 weeks now for a return email just about clarification with jersey sizes. I have sent 3 emails to all 4 addresses on their site and nothing. Very frustrating.

Bernie said...

I am having a similar problem. Their jerseys are great but they are the worst communicators. Its as if they don't check their emails or don't care. Very poor service in this regard. I have been waiting 2 weeks now for a return email just about clarification with jersey sizes. I have sent 3 emails to all 4 addresses on their site and nothing. Very frustrating.